
A simple API for dinosaur data

Current dinos records in the api: 18

This number will increase significantly over time! More than 1000 dinosaurs are being catalogued.

Dinosaur data for curious people

Welcome to DinoAPI! This intuitive API serves as your gateway to the fascinating world of dinosaurs, offering detailed information and insights. Whether you're looking to retrieve a comprehensive list of dinosaur species or delve into the specifics of a particular dinosaur, DinoAPI has you covered.

Designed with versatility in mind, DinoAPI is the perfect tool for crafting your very own dinosaur-themed websites or applications. It's not just for developers; educators, students, and dinosaur enthusiasts can leverage this resource to expand their knowledge and share the wonders of these ancient creatures with others.

Accessibility is at the heart of DinoAPI. It is completely free to use, requires no API key, and emphasizes ease of use. We've tailored the API to ensure the information provided is both accessible and valuable to all users, regardless of their technical background or knowlodge about dinosaur data.

API endpoints:

  • /api/dinosaurs

    Get a list of dinosaurs, with their names.

    You can also specify a query with the follow atributes

    • period - The period the dinosaur lived in, such as jurassic, late-cretaceous, early-cretaceous, etc.
    • diet - The diet of the dinosaur.
    • region - The region the dinosaur lived in, such as europe, south-america, asia, etc.
    • type - The type of dinosaur, such as terrestrial, aquatic and flyer.
    • weight - The weight of the dinosaur.
    • height - The height of the dinosaur.
    • length - The length of the dinosaur.
    • For example:

  • /api/dinosaurs/:name

    Get information about a specific dinosaur, by Name.

    You can replace abelisaurus with any dinosaur name.

API usage example:

// Get a list of all dinosaurs
// GET /api/dinosaurs
"_id": "65ab56b3978ff91b1c9eb074",
"name": "aardonyx",
"weight": "1700kg",
"height": "2m",
"length": "8.0m",
"diet": "herbivore",
"period": "jurassic",
"existed": "201.3 - 190.8 million years ago",
"region": "south africa",
"type": "terrestrial",
"description": "Aardonyx ...",
"image": "https://brunosouzadev-dinoapi.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/images/aardonyx.jpg",
"isPopular": false,
"createdAt": "2024-01-20T05:14:27.449Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-20T05:14:27.449Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "65ab5bbf978ff91b1c9eb076",
"name": "abelisaurus",
"weight": "3000kg",
"height": "2m",
"length": "7.4m",
"diet": "carnivore",
"period": "cretaceous",
"existed": "83.5 - 70.6 million years ago",
"region": "south america",
"type": "terrestrial",
"description": "The large theropod Abelisaurus comahuensis was similar to Albertosaurus from Alberta ...",
"image": "https://brunosouzadev-dinoapi.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/images/abelisaurus.jpg",
"isPopular": false,
"createdAt": "2024-01-20T05:35:59.548Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-20T05:35:59.548Z",
"__v": 0
"_id": "65ac155886621fdaf2c40bc1",
"name": "abrictosaurus",
"weight": "3kg",
"height": "0.35m",
"length": "1.2m",
"diet": "herbivore/omnivore",
"period": "early jurassic",
"existed": "199 - 196 million years ago",
"region": "south africa",
"type": "terrestrial",
"description": "This dinosaur is known from the fossil remains of only two individuals...",
"image": "https://brunosouzadev-dinoapi.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/images/abrictosaurus.jpg",
"isPopular": false,
"createdAt": "2024-01-20T18:47:52.061Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-20T18:47:52.061Z",
"__v": 0
}, ...]

Planned endpoints

We are planning to add more endpoints to the API, such as:

  • /api/animals - Get a list of prehistorical animals and useful information about them
  • /api/plants - Get a list of prehistorical plants and useful information about them
  • /api/paleontologists - Get a list of paleontologists and useful information about them
  • /api/periods - Get a list of prehistorical periods and useful information about them
  • /api/events - Get a list of prehistorical events and useful information about them
  • /api/locations - Get a list of prehistorical locations and useful information about them